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GDA Capital

Contact GDA Capital for all digital asset investments

We will be happy to discuss any questions you may have.

Please fill in the form to connect with a GDA Capital representative.

Required Information & Documentation

Review the list of required information and documentation that you will need in order to onboard.

  • The form must be completed in English.
  • If you are submitting a document in a foreign-language (non-English), please also submit a corresponding version translated into English (translations of the AML program and CIP documents are not required). An option to submit the English-language versions will be presented at the end of the form.
  • Please submit color passport copies when prompted to provide identification documents.
Basic entity information
  • Basic entity information (full legal name, EIN or company registration number, date of formation, jurisdiction of formation, primary business address, list of officers, website).
  • Primary contact person for the entity.
  • Entity formation documents (e.g., certificate of formation, articles of incorporation, certificate of organization, or equivalent documents).
  • Proof of address document addressed to the entity (e.g., utility bill, bank statement, lease agreement).
  • Nature of the entity’s business.
  • Source of the entity’s assets (e.g., revenue, ICO). If the source of the entity’s assets is an ICO, provide the following information: whitepaper, terms & conditions, marketing materials, SAFT documentation, and legal opinion.
Business information
  • Net assets/Assets under management (USD), year to date and prior two fiscal years.
  • Net income (USD), year to date and prior two fiscal years.
  • Estimated total number of trades and value traded per month.
  • Intended cryptoassets to trade.
Beneficial ownership information
  • Required: Identify at least one individual with significant responsibility to control, manage, or direct the legal entity applying to trade, and provide their basic information (name, DOB, contact information), proof of address, and color copy of passport.
  • Required, if applicable: Identify all individuals who, directly or indirectly, own 25% or more of the equity interests in the entity applying to trade, and provide their basic information (name, DOB, contact information), proof of address, and color copy of passport.
  • Required, if applicable: Identify the trustee, if a trust entity owns, directly or indirectly, 25% or more of the equity interest of the legal entity applying to trade, and provide the trustee’s basic information (name, DOB, contact information), proof of address, and color copy of passport.
  • Required, if applicable: Identify every entity owning 25% or more equity interest in the entity, and provide the full legal name of the entity, date of formation, and jurisdiction of formation.
Bank information/additional information
  • Bank account information (only required for initial onboarding; not required for KYC refresh).
  • Legal Entity Identifier document (LEI), if the entity has one.
  • Anti-money laundering (AML) program document, if the entity has one.
  • Customer Identification program (CIP), if the entity has one.
Investment funds, hedge funds or similar entity information
  • Private placement memorandum, offering memorandum or similar documentation.
  • If the fund manager is an entity, provide formation documents for the investment manager and identifying information of all 25% or greater owners, including proof of address and color copy of passport.
  • If the fund manager is an individual, provide proof of address and color copy of passport.

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